Ejemplo de Análisis de correspondencia: Simple y Múltiple

Análisis simple

datos<- read.csv("registro_artesanos.csv", sep=";",header=T)
A data.frame: 6 × 13
163masculinosiemprendedorartesanalemprendedor2robledo 7 nor-occidental 1592017
256masculinonoemprendedorartesanalemprendedor3bombona 10centro-oriental1592017
374masculinosiemprendedorartesanalemprendedor3guayabal 15sur-oriental 1592017
454femenino siemprendedorartesanalemprendedor4america - santa monica #212centro-oriental1592017
550femenino siemprendedorartesanalemprendedor4america - santa monica #212centro-oriental1592017
652femenino siemprendedorartesanalemprendedor3san javier 13centro-oriental1592017
#eliminando NAs
datos <- na.omit(datos)
'data.frame':       174 obs. of  13 variables:
 $ edad                     : int  63 56 74 54 50 52 27 61 43 39 ...
 $ sexo                     : chr  "masculino" "masculino" "masculino" "femenino" ...
 $ cabeza_de_hogar          : chr  "si" "no" "si" "si" ...
 $ caracterizacion_ciudadano: chr  "emprendedor" "emprendedor" "emprendedor" "emprendedor" ...
 $ tipo_de_emprendimiento   : chr  "artesanal" "artesanal" "artesanal" "artesanal" ...
 $ idea_de_negocio          : chr  "emprendedor" "emprendedor" "emprendedor" "emprendedor" ...
 $ estrato                  : int  2 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 ...
 $ barrio_vereda_ciudadano  : chr  "robledo" "bombona" "guayabal" "america - santa monica #2" ...
 $ comuna_ciudadano         : chr  "7" "10" "15" "12" ...
 $ zona_ciudadano           : chr  "nor-occidental" "centro-oriental" "sur-oriental" "centro-oriental" ...
 $ fecha_de_beneficio_dia   : int  15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 ...
 $ fecha_de_beneficio_mes   : int  9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ...
 $ fecha_de_beneficio_aÃ.o  : num  2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 ...
 - attr(, "na.action")= 'omit' Named int [1:25] 112 122 125 127 131 136 137 138 139 140 ...
  ..- attr(, "names")= chr [1:25] "112" "122" "125" "127" ...

Extraemos las variables de interés

df<- datos[,c("tipo_de_emprendimiento","zona_ciudadano")]
  tipo_de_emprendimiento  zona_ciudadano
1              artesanal  nor-occidental
2              artesanal centro-oriental
3              artesanal    sur-oriental
4              artesanal centro-oriental
5              artesanal centro-oriental
6              artesanal centro-oriental

Creamos tabla de contingencia

tipo_de_emprendimiento    centro-occidental centro-oriental nor-occidental
                        0                 4               0              0
            artesanal   0                 0              51             18
            artesanias  2                14               4             14
            basica      0                 1               0              1
            no formal   0                 1               0              0
            no_formal   0                 0               0              0
tipo_de_emprendimiento nor-oriental occidente oriente otro sur-occidental
                                  2         0       0    2              1
            artesanal            16         3       5    0              2
            artesanias            8         0       0    5             13
            basica                0         0       0    1              0
            no formal             0         0       0    0              0
            no_formal             1         0       0    0              0
tipo_de_emprendimiento sur-oriental
            artesanal             5
            artesanias            0
            basica                0
            no formal             0
            no_formal             0

Se realiza gráfico de contingencias

Warning message:
"package 'gplots' was built under R version 4.1.3"

Attaching package: 'gplots'

The following object is masked from 'package:stats':

balloonplot(t(contingencia), main ="Caracterización",
            xlab = "", ylab= "",
            label = T,
            show.margins = T)

Test de independencia

Warning message:
"package 'pander' was built under R version 4.1.3"
Warning message in chisq.test(contingencia):
"Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect"
| Test statistic | df |     P value     |
|      120       | 45 | 9.49e-09  * * * |

Table: Pearson's Chi-squared test: contingencia


Extracción por AC

Warning message:
"package 'FactoMineR' was built under R version 4.1.3"
Warning message:
"package 'factoextra' was built under R version 4.1.3"
Loading required package: ggplot2

Welcome! Want to learn more? See two factoextra-related books at https://goo.gl/ve3WBa
CA_simple<- CA(contingencia)
Results of the Correspondence Analysis (CA)
The row variable has  6  categories; the column variable has 10 categories
The chi square of independence between the two variables is equal to 120.0362 (p-value =  9.489902e-09 ).
*The results are available in the following objects:

   name              description
1  "$eig"            "eigenvalues"
2  "$col"            "results for the columns"
3  "$col$coord"      "coord. for the columns"
4  "$col$cos2"       "cos2 for the columns"
5  "$col$contrib"    "contributions of the columns"
6  "$row"            "results for the rows"
7  "$row$coord"      "coord. for the rows"
8  "$row$cos2"       "cos2 for the rows"
9  "$row$contrib"    "contributions of the rows"
10 "$call"           "summary called parameters"
11 "$call$marge.col" "weights of the columns"
12 "$call$marge.row" "weights of the rows"

Obtenemos y analizamos contribuciones columnas

fviz_contrib(CA_simple, choice = "col", axes = 1)
                        Dim 1      Dim 2        Dim 3       Dim 4      Dim 5
V1                 2.27549859 12.9234349  0.003035806  0.05651337  0.1500657
centro-occidental 33.33699063 15.9974851  0.880836721 36.26967998  2.0207547
centro-oriental   28.94593235  1.7096477  4.427712262  2.06995300  7.3975893
nor-occidental     0.02716778 12.7449870 10.812273634  5.60234253 46.8617649
nor-oriental       0.14822371  0.9281056 78.121151270  2.30533427  2.9799437
occidente          2.24995127  0.4551492  0.275299399  0.11528355  0.5216493
oriente            3.74991878  0.7585820  0.458832331  0.19213924  0.8694156
otro              13.50375554 17.7702438  4.156448465 53.03715929  5.7259774
sur-occidental    12.01264257 35.9537829  0.405577782  0.15945552 32.6034237
sur-oriental       3.74991878  0.7585820  0.458832331  0.19213924  0.8694156
fviz_contrib(CA_simple, choice = "row", axes = 1)

Representación en el biplot

fviz_ca_biplot(CA_simple, repel = TRUE)


df_m<- datos[,c("tipo_de_emprendimiento","zona_ciudadano","cabeza_de_hogar","sexo")]
  tipo_de_emprendimiento  zona_ciudadano cabeza_de_hogar      sexo
1              artesanal  nor-occidental              si masculino
2              artesanal centro-oriental              no masculino
3              artesanal    sur-oriental              si masculino
4              artesanal centro-oriental              si  femenino
5              artesanal centro-oriental              si  femenino
6              artesanal centro-oriental              si  femenino

Ajuste ACM

CA_multiple <- MCA(df_m,method = 'Burt')
Warning message:
"ggrepel: 3 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider increasing max.overlaps"
MCA(X = df_m, method = "Burt")

                       Dim.1   Dim.2   Dim.3   Dim.4   Dim.5   Dim.6   Dim.7
Variance               0.245   0.108   0.101   0.090   0.081   0.073   0.067
% of var.             20.543   9.055   8.444   7.547   6.796   6.070   5.599
Cumulative % of var.  20.543  29.598  38.042  45.589  52.385  58.455  64.054
                       Dim.8   Dim.9  Dim.10  Dim.11  Dim.12  Dim.13  Dim.14
Variance               0.063   0.063   0.062   0.054   0.047   0.044   0.042
% of var.              5.280   5.231   5.231   4.545   3.917   3.689   3.490
Cumulative % of var.  69.334  74.566  79.797  84.341  88.259  91.948  95.437
                      Dim.15  Dim.16  Dim.17
Variance               0.029   0.021   0.004
% of var.              2.458   1.767   0.338
Cumulative % of var.  97.895  99.662 100.000

Individuals (the 10 first)
                                     Dim.1    ctr   cos2    Dim.2    ctr   cos2
1                                 | -0.671  0.522  0.221 |  0.075  0.010  0.003
2                                 | -0.700  0.568  0.300 | -0.428  0.320  0.112
3                                 | -0.942  1.030  0.094 | -0.462  0.373  0.023
4                                 | -0.584  0.396  0.331 | -0.091  0.015  0.008
5                                 | -0.584  0.396  0.331 | -0.091  0.015  0.008
6                                 | -0.584  0.396  0.331 | -0.091  0.015  0.008
7                                 |  0.030  0.001  0.001 | -0.287  0.144  0.049
8                                 | -0.457  0.243  0.085 |  0.310  0.167  0.039
9                                 |  0.030  0.001  0.001 | -0.287  0.144  0.049
10                                | -0.099  0.011  0.001 | -1.054  1.940  0.123
                                     Dim.3    ctr   cos2
1                                 | -0.224  0.091  0.025 |
2                                 | -0.107  0.021  0.007 |
3                                 | -0.029  0.001  0.000 |
4                                 |  0.191  0.066  0.035 |
5                                 |  0.191  0.066  0.035 |
6                                 |  0.191  0.066  0.035 |
7                                 | -0.322  0.188  0.062 |
8                                 |  0.166  0.050  0.011 |
9                                 | -0.322  0.188  0.062 |
10                                | -0.200  0.072  0.004 |

Categories (the 10 first)
                                     Dim.1    ctr   cos2 v.test    Dim.2    ctr
tipo_de_emprendimiento_           |  0.894  4.211  0.154  2.746 |  0.009  0.001
tipo_de_emprendimiento_artesanal  | -0.519 15.776  0.888 -7.937 | -0.124  2.033
tipo_de_emprendimiento_artesanias |  0.657 15.180  0.634  6.273 |  0.223  3.960
tipo_de_emprendimiento_basica     |  0.963  1.629  0.061  1.678 | -0.675  1.813
tipo_de_emprendimiento_no formal  |  1.693  1.677  0.063  1.693 | -2.144  6.103
tipo_de_emprendimiento_no_formal  | -0.161  0.015  0.001 -0.161 |  3.085 12.640
zona_ciudadano_                   |  0.535  0.335  0.013  0.759 |  0.570  0.862
zona_ciudadano_centro-occidental  |  1.099 14.152  0.486  5.211 | -0.395  4.152
zona_ciudadano_centro-oriental    | -0.621 12.433  0.548 -5.557 | -0.175  2.235
zona_ciudadano_nor-occidental     |  0.016  0.005  0.000  0.099 |  0.027  0.032
                                    cos2 v.test    Dim.3    ctr   cos2 v.test
tipo_de_emprendimiento_            0.000  0.028 |  1.430 26.209  0.393  4.393 |
tipo_de_emprendimiento_artesanal   0.050 -1.892 |  0.031  0.136  0.003  0.473 |
tipo_de_emprendimiento_artesanias  0.073  2.127 | -0.376 12.081  0.207 -3.588 |
tipo_de_emprendimiento_basica      0.030 -1.175 |  1.277  6.966  0.108  2.225 |
tipo_de_emprendimiento_no formal   0.101 -2.144 |  0.705  0.708  0.011  0.705 |
tipo_de_emprendimiento_no_formal   0.212  3.085 |  2.060  6.041  0.094  2.060 |
zona_ciudadano_                    0.015  0.808 | -1.546  6.807  0.108 -2.193 |
zona_ciudadano_centro-occidental   0.063 -1.874 |  0.296  2.488  0.035  1.401 |
zona_ciudadano_centro-oriental     0.043 -1.564 |  0.065  0.327  0.006  0.578 |
zona_ciudadano_nor-occidental      0.001  0.171 | -0.336  5.294  0.103 -2.136 |

Categorical variables (eta2)
                                    Dim.1 Dim.2 Dim.3
tipo_de_emprendimiento            | 0.763 0.349 0.662 |
zona_ciudadano                    | 0.769 0.628 0.548 |
cabeza_de_hogar                   | 0.173 0.338 0.050 |
sexo                              | 0.277 0.000 0.011 |

Extrayendo los valores propios

eig.val = get_eigenvalue(CA_multiple)
A matrix: 17 × 3 of type dbl
Dim.10.24544211820.543086 20.54309
Dim.20.108187325 9.055094 29.59818
Dim.30.100886345 8.444015 38.04219
Dim.40.090164207 7.546590 45.58878
Dim.50.081194727 6.795860 52.38464
Dim.60.072525536 6.070263 58.45491
Dim.70.066895904 5.599073 64.05398
Dim.80.063089070 5.280447 69.33443
Dim.90.062500000 5.231143 74.56557
Dim.100.062500000 5.231143 79.79671
Dim.110.054298259 4.544672 84.34139
Dim.120.046802939 3.917326 88.25871
Dim.130.044074548 3.688964 91.94768
Dim.140.041695178 3.489815 95.43749
Dim.150.029366877 2.457957 97.89545
Dim.160.021105663 1.766508 99.66196
Dim.170.004038829 0.338043100.00000

Gráfico de sedimentación para identificar dimensiones óptimas

fviz_screeplot(CA_multiple, addlabels = TRUE)

Ubicación en el biplot como representación de las dimensiones

fviz_mca_biplot(CA_multiple, repel = TRUE)
Warning message:
"ggrepel: 121 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider increasing max.overlaps"